Community Cats in Osceola County Contact form Topics:*Please choose the topic in which you are interested from the list below.choose oneI need help with deterring cats from my propertyI need help with stray catsI need help reporting animal injury or neglectCounty*Please choose the county in which you live from the list below.choose oneOsceola CountyOrange CountyPolk CountyLake Countyother county not listedOur Community Cat resources are reserved for residents of Osceola County only. Please contact your county's Animal Services or Animal Control department for information on Community Cat resources in your area.Report animal injury and neglect.At Osceola County Animal Services, we take matters of animal neglect and abuse very seriously but we need your help. Animal injuries also require reporting to evaluate the animal in need. Please file a report if you suspect animal neglect or cruelty by: 1. By calling us at 407-742-8000. You can remain anonymous and we will respond to your complaint; or 2. By calling Crimeline at 1-800-423-TIPS and your information will remain anonymous. 3. By filing a complaint online by going to Please be a voice for animals in our community. By doing so, you may also be helping humans as well. Community Cat contact listPlease place my name on the Community Cat contact list. A member of our Community Cat team will receive an email indicating your interest in the topic that you chose above. First name*Last name*Phone*Street address*City*Zip code*Email address* Enter Email Confirm Email Please tell us about your Community CatsWhere are the cats located?*choose oneA businessOutside my homeIn a residential area that is not my homeA vacant lot or areaA mobile home parkAddress of colonyEnter number of cats and/or kittens.*Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.The cats appear to be*choose onehealthysick or illinjuredThe cats are fed by:*choose onemyselfneighbors, friends or familySomeone but I do not know who the feeder isI am not sure if someone is feeding themAre you willing to trap the cats yourself?noyesAdditional commentsCat deterrents may be your solutionCat deterrents are sprays or devices that repel cats from a property. When used properly, they will send a cat running from a yard or commercial property without harming either the cats or the environment. They can be very effective. Cat deterrent fact sheetHomemade cat deterrentsClick submit below to send this form to Animal Services.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.