Volunteer at
Osceola County
Animal Services
Notice: Please do not file an application to Volunteer if you need Court Ordered Community Service hours. If you need Court Ordered Community Service hours please call the shelter for more information.

Adults 18+
Volunteer at the shelter to work with dogs, cats and occasionally something else. Help, learn, enjoy.
• Required training provided both on line and live.
• Background check required; we will pay for one.
• Minimum 4hours a month commitment.
• Dog Care, Cat Care and other positions available.

Teens 16+
Start with online coursework and then, if it you wish to, start volunteering at the shelter.
• Teen volunteers begin with basic online training.
• A great way to earn scholarship volunteer hours.
• Continue to volunteer at the shelter if you would like to.
• Transition to the adult volunteer program.

Foster 18+
Take an animal home and introduce it to family life. Fostering makes our pets more adoptable.
• Urgent needs are currently bottle feeders and special needs foster homes.
• Must be 18 or over and have family and/or landlord permission.
• Cats and kittens and larger dogs are usually available.

• Students and individuals seeking to complete service hours for scholarships and projects are welcome but must adhere to all volunteer guidelines.

• The Osceola County Animal Services Volunteer program is not able to accommodate court mandated community service hours. Call 407-742-8000 if you have questions .
• ADA Compliance: The County will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified individuals with disabilities so they can participate equally in the County’s programs, services, and activities; including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other ways of making information and communications accessible to individuals with speech, hearing, or vision impairments. To request services for the Animal Services volunteer department, please email volunteerwithanimals@osceola.org.