News: LEASH surrender

Published Thu May 20, 2021

 Last name First name CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed
HensleyTammy05/25/23View Detailsyes
BaileyTammy07/25/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
BurgestTaneisha06/08/23View Detailsno
RodriguezTanya07/07/23View Detailsno
RodriguezTanya02/08/24View Detailsreferred to other resourcesyes
BeckerTarrence04/06/24View Detailsappointment madeno
WestTaylor04/11/24View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
RodriguezTayra11/27/23View Detailsappointment madeno
VazquezTeresa05/09/23View Detailsresolved by clientyes
Van CourTeresa10/30/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
 Last name First name CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed