Published Thu May 20, 2021

Last nameDrahos
Zip code34743
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Street address125 Zacalo Way
First nameJoshua
My current living situation is...I have a stable home.
Reason for surrenderUnable to properly care for cat. I recently moved to Florida with my cat and we moved in with my sister and her dog. The cat and the dog do not get along. Having moved in with my sister, she is uncomfortable with the cat remaining in the house with her dog. Additionally, I now have a job that is time consuming and I am unable to provide the love and attention she deserves.
Phone(607) 316-1690
About the animal(s)
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Animal 1 nameCaroline
Animal 1
Animal 1 speciescat
Animal 1 size11 - 20 lbs
Has the animal 1 been spayed?yes
Animal 1 age5 years +
Animal 1 genderfemale
Animal 1 personality
  • good with cats
Has animal 1 ever bitten anybody?no
Does animal 1 have any known medical issues?no
Animal 1 photo
Animal 2
Animal 3
Just a few more questions...
How long have you had the animals?5 + years
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • has too many pets
  • conflict with others
  • no time for care
How we can help you keep your animals?

Unfortunately, with my new living arrangement, I am unaware of any ways that this can be remedied, shy of surrendering Caroline.

Multiple appointments?no