Program links
► It is recommended that teen volunteers bookmark this page as it is not listed in the Volunteer Team Site pages.
► Assignment completion will be checked periodically.
► Students who have not completed any assignments in that time period will be deactivated.
► All of the modules must be completed before you can begin volunteering on site.

Program Assignments
Assignment 1
Account set up & Shelter Basics
Folow the instructions in your welcome email to set your password and access your account.
► Add a profile photo of yourself (Clear photo of your face as if you would use for an ID)
► Opt into text messaging (Volgistics, our volunteer management system, sends no-reply text messages for reminders)
Complete the Shelter Basics online learning module.
Access is through Volgistics by:
► opening your Volgistics home page
► clicking on Learning Modules (you will do this for all modules)
► select and compete Shelter Basics
Assignment 2
Volgistics module
► Log in to Volgistics
► Complete and submit the Volgistics online module.
Assignment 3
Shelter Enrichment module & Agreement
► Log in to Volgistics
► Complete the Shelter Enrichment module
Complete and submit the Hold Harmless Agreement. It is located on the page with the module links.
Assignment 4
Volunteers & Mentors module
► Log in to Volgistics
► Complete the Volunteers and Mentors learning module.
All assignments are complete.
► You may request your official hours report using the form that is linked on the the top menu on the Learning Modules page.
►You may request your onsite Day 1 Assistant Training by emailing; subject line “Assistant Day 1”.