Help the neediest

We need your help to assist us in saving Osceola County’s neediest pets! The issue… ► Osceola County Animal Services is an open access shelter, so we have to take in just about any and every domestic and farm animal that is either found stray or surrendered to us. ► Some of these animals have […]

OCAS Sacm Alert poster

PHONE SCAM ALERT: It has been brought to our attention that scammers are spoofing* the Osceola County Animal Services phone number and calling people with lost pets, saying their lost animal needed medical attention, and asking to have money sent to them electronically, taking advantage of pet owners in their time of need.   Please […]

Ongoing square poster updated 1/24

We have adoption specials from time to time, but we also have ongoing specials every day that we are open! Includes pets only at the shelter, not those at pet stores. Long timers –$10.00 adoption fee If a pet has been on the adoption floor for more than two weeks, it is considered a long […]

Support Spay and Neuter programs tag flyer.

Osceola County Animal Services is pleased to have been chosen as a grant recipient for the Florida Animal Friend annual grant award. Each time someone purchases a spay and neuter license plate, Florida Animal Friend receives $25. They exclusively use that sum to fund free and low-cost spay and neuter programs across the state. And […]

Welcome Petsmart Charities poster

What is it? A low cost vet clinic to serve Osceola County’s under resourced communities. Grand opening was on Monday, August 9 at 10:00 am. Background: The clinic was made possible through a PetSmart Charities grant of $150,000 awarded to Osceola County to help purchase much needed equipment and offset operational costs. Osceola County Animal […]

Welcome Petsmart Charities poster

New low cost veterinary clinic to open in Osceola County thanks to a unique partnership The goal of the partnership between the County, Protectors of Companion Animals, the School District, and PetSmart Charities is to offer services to pet owners and their pets that would not otherwise be accessible. The clinic will operate part-time, three […]

Sir Phillip the horse in his pasture at Mill Creek Farm in Alachua, Florida

About Sir Phillip’s journey to his forever home Sir Phillip is a 20 year old Paso Fino gelding. He was rescued by our Animal Control Officers in January of 2020. When found as a stray animal, Sir Phillip was  malnourished and underweight. He was brought back to our St Cloud facility and took up residence […]

Photo of two kittens

Osceola County has a community cat problem, which means we have a large number of free roaming, intact and unvaccinated cats. Each year, particularly in the spring and summer, residents turn in to the shelter hundreds of kittens that are born to these community cats. These cats may be stray, feral, or owned. The Problem: […]